Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rest for the Weary

This offer is made to everyone. Come to Jesus, get to know Him. Learn to rest in Him in all things. By faith in Him, fear and anxiety are overcome. Be patient as He heals you. Your slightest concern is of major importance to God, and He is kind to sinners and patient with them. He is our only hope.

He Wrestled with God and Prevailed

Jacob was not fighting with God out of arrogance. He had great fear about meeting his brother Esau. Remember that 20 years earlier he had deceived his brother out of his birthright and then out of Isaac's blessing. And now they are soon to meet. I believe he was saying to himself: "I have no other hope than You God. Bless me or I will die." He may also have been saying to himself: "You have told me that I am the son of promise. God, for Your own great name, bless me."
I think we can also make a prayer like Jacob's: "Lord, I will not let you go until you bless me." But this should not be a selfish prayer. For example, I have many relatives and friends who are not saved. I pray like this: Lord, I will not let you go until you save my friends and family. It is not a prayer out of selfishness or arrogance, but rather, out of persistence and the realization that only God can do this. "Lord, I will not let you go until you bless me."