Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kindhearted Woman

I know many women like this, and it is a joy.

The Messiah Is Coming To Town

Prayer and God's Will

Pray hard and believe you have what you pray for. Yet, leave room in your mind for God's will and purpose. His thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways.

Psalm 32 King David Acknowledges His Sin

David had sinned greatly and kept it quiet. Because of his silence his strength has been drained. Then the prophet Nathan showed him his sin. He confessed it and was forgiven. God forgave his sin and the guilt of his sin. We all need to have this attitude about sin.

Numbers 16 Korah's Rebellion

After all the miracles, after God's very presence with the people of Israel, why did they continue to rebell against Him? Why do we?

Numbers 15

What constitutes a defiant sinner?