Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Women Without Discretion

This proverb is not meant to put down women. Rather, it is to give honor to their beauty by helping them to be careful about how they dress, how they look, what they say, and how they behave. God has made women beautiful and wants them to be loved and respected by all.

The Seriousness of Ignoring God

Although Moses listened to God, he also ignored God. God desired to satisfy His people by bringing water out of the rock, and asked Moses to only talk to the rock. But because of Moses' great anger against the Israelites for their grumbling against him, he struck the rock twice, ignored God's desire to be gracious to His people. He became more involved in his own anger than God's goodness and will. This was a serious offence, and Moses was punished.

We also are often guilty of ignoring God's desires when we put our own wills over His; when we think or act contrary to His will.