Monday, February 25, 2008

Spiritual Disciplines

Physical disciplines are like brushing your teeth and exercising regularly, eating carefully and not too much, and just plain taking care of yourself, but what are spiritual disciplines? These are things like praying and giving regularly, Bible reading and study, going to church, going to a group Bible study, and all kinds of service projects for the Lord.

This is what I learned long ago in my walk with the Lord. A spiritual discipline is like a "path" that leads to the Lord. As long as I keep my focus on the Lord I am able to stay on the path. But if I put my focus on the "path," and not the Lord, I soon fall away from the discipline. So here is my prayer for you and me, that we keep our focus on the Lord as we continue on our path of reading through the Bible in one year.

Mark 5

Jesus heals a demon possessed man and then orders him to go back to the areas that knew him so that he would be a witness to the amazing transformation that had occurred.

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 20 Set Apart