Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Only Believe"

Jesus said to Jairus in Mark 5:36, “Only believe." Jairus’ daughter was sick, and in fact was about to die. Jairus had asked Jesus for healing, and Jesus said, “Only believe.” After she died, Jesus came to her and raised her back to life.

My question is, What does only believe mean?
Here are some incorrect answers:
Believe that his daughter would be raised from the dead.
Believe that if his faith were strong enough physical healing would occur.
Believe that all of our prayers will be answered as we want them to be, when we want them to be, and in our own timing. This includes physical healing, finances, marriages, families, world peace, and fun in general.
Believe that we will get exactly what we want for Christmas.
Just believe - Only believe.

The question remains: What does Jesus ask us to believe?
That He is God
That He is able to do all things
That He is truly concerned about every detail of our lives
That He will work all things for the good, for those who love Him

It’s quite obvious that the term, “Only believe,” can be grossly misinterpreted.

God's Power and Perfect Timing

At the same time Jesus waited for the daughter to die, He was healing the woman with an issue of blood. His timing was, as usual, perfect. Here is what is amazing to me: He who has the power to create and maintain everything in the universe, felt it when power left Him in the healing of the woman. How can He have such vast power on the one hand, yet be so personal with His power on the other? It means that every time He does something for us, He senses a power change within Himself! Does He sense every blade of grass when it withers?

The Rod for the Fool