Thursday, January 10, 2008


Matthew 8:8-10

The centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus offered to go to his home, but the centurion said that all Jesus had to do was to speak the words and his servant would be healed. Jesus healed the servant, and then marveled at the faith of the centurion.

Do you believe Jesus has authority over all things and can do whatever He wills? He can heal any disease; find the right mate for a person; provide for any financial need; and give comfort in any distress. He can raise the dead; and in the Rapture that is exactly what He will do, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

Are you as convinced as the centurion that God can do anything He wills? We pray for His will and seek to line up our wills with His.

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