These questions go back to Genesis....Adam and Eve are the Parents of humanity.....what color were they? Where did we get all of our many skin, hair, and eye colors? How did we get all of the diversity from 2 people?
The Bible does not say what color Adam and Eve were, or their eyes, etc. Please allow me to give you a genetic answer, however, to things like skin color, eye color, and the general divesity of man. This is a speculative answer at best, but I have had much experience with genetics, evolution and creationism.
First of all, two people, giving birth, say once every 10 years, who live long, will produce many children. Adam lived 930 years. Then, as their children came to reproductive age, the same would be true of their offspring. Do a little math and realize that the earth will be quickly filled. 1,556 years after the creation week, when the Flood occurred, you have alot of people. Some believe the earth was as populated then (Flood) as it is today! This is massive inbreading, of course, but that was apparently okay in early humanity. Individual males could have had thousands of offspring.
I believe that the genome (gene pool) in Adam and Eve, was able to produce all the kinds of peoples in the earth. Although there were possibly many kinds of people before the Flood, remember that only Noah and his family survived the Flood. But their gene pool was probably also great. And don't forget that the God of genes was active in helping them to "be fruitful and multiply."
Another aspect of variability that occurs naturally is through Meiosis. The gamates, sperm and ege, go through doubling and reduction twice to their final form, and this allows trememdous variability; 2 to the 23rd power. Then when they are mixed to form the fertilized ege, great variation also occurs in the expression of the genetic forms, called Phenotype.
Adam and Eve had all the potential for diversity and so did Noah. Remember also, that when the Tower of Babel was built, God came down and confused their language, giving them different languages, and scattered them over the face of the earth. This is in the time of Eber (Hebrew) and Peleg, his son. Peleg means the earth was divided.
Various changing environmental conditions were produced after the protective covering of water came down (Flood). This probably made it possible for various traits in people to "survive" better, in different lands, than for others.
Good questions. Thanks for challenging my mind, and causing me to reach back into my education for answers.
Sunday Esau gave his birthright away and Monday Jacob tricked Issac for the firstborn blessing. Would Jacobs's blessing of Jacob instead of Esau occured otherwise? Debbie
God had previously said, at the birth of Jacob, "that the older would serve the younger," i.e. that Esau would serve Jacob. Isaac and Rebekah knew this. Rebekah, even though she lied and tricked Isaac, was more righteous than Isaac because at least she wanted what God wanted. Isaac was flat out rebellious in favoring Esau.
However, I believe that without the favoritism or the tricks, God would installed Jacob as the "child of promise." In a way, Rebekah did what Sarah did, namely, to try to take matters into her own hands rather than to just trust God. We all have this problem, sad to say.
These questions go back to Genesis....Adam and Eve are the Parents of humanity.....what color were they? Where did we get all of our many skin, hair, and eye colors? How did we get all of the diversity from 2 people?
The Bible does not say what color Adam and Eve were, or their eyes, etc. Please allow me to give you a genetic answer, however, to things like skin color, eye color, and the general divesity of man. This is a speculative answer at best, but I have had much experience with genetics, evolution and creationism.
First of all, two people, giving birth, say once every 10 years, who live long, will produce many children. Adam lived 930 years. Then, as their children came to reproductive age, the same would be true of their offspring. Do a little math and realize that the earth will be quickly filled. 1,556 years after the creation week, when the Flood occurred, you have alot of people. Some believe the earth was as populated then (Flood) as it is today! This is massive inbreading, of course, but that was apparently okay in early humanity. Individual males could have had thousands of offspring.
I believe that the genome (gene pool) in Adam and Eve, was able to produce all the kinds of peoples in the earth. Although there were possibly many kinds of people before the Flood, remember that only Noah and his family survived the Flood. But their gene pool was probably also great. And don't forget that the God of genes was active in helping them to "be fruitful and multiply."
Another aspect of variability that occurs naturally is through Meiosis. The gamates, sperm and ege, go through doubling and reduction twice to their final form, and this allows trememdous variability; 2 to the 23rd power. Then when they are mixed to form the fertilized ege, great variation also occurs in the expression of the genetic forms, called Phenotype.
Adam and Eve had all the potential for diversity and so did Noah. Remember also, that when the Tower of Babel was built, God came down and confused their language, giving them different languages, and scattered them over the face of the earth. This is in the time of Eber (Hebrew) and Peleg, his son. Peleg means the earth was divided.
Various changing environmental conditions were produced after the protective covering of water came down (Flood). This probably made it possible for various traits in people to "survive" better, in different lands, than for others.
Good questions. Thanks for challenging my mind, and causing me to reach back into my education for answers.
Sunday Esau gave his birthright away and Monday Jacob tricked Issac for the firstborn blessing. Would Jacobs's blessing of Jacob instead of Esau occured otherwise?
This was a great question.
God had previously said, at the birth of Jacob, "that the older would serve the younger," i.e. that Esau would serve Jacob. Isaac and Rebekah knew this. Rebekah, even though she lied and tricked Isaac, was more righteous than Isaac because at least she wanted what God wanted. Isaac was flat out rebellious in favoring Esau.
However, I believe that without the favoritism or the tricks, God would installed Jacob as the "child of promise." In a way, Rebekah did what Sarah did, namely, to try to take matters into her own hands rather than to just trust God. We all have this problem, sad to say.
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