Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Birth of Jacob and Esau

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Jude said...

Interesting reading - but I notice that although Jacob took advantage of Esau, the bible seems to give Esau very little sympathy as victim. He let his own personal (physical) hunger overwhelm his concern for things of lasting value...his birthright. Kind of like needing material needs which can overcome our need for smelling the roses, so to speak. ???

Dr. Nate Wirt said...

The question of sympathy for Esau is interesting. Let's look at it in perspective.

It says Esau "despised his birthright." This was much more important in those days than it is today. We can hardly appreciate it. The very fact of having of children was much more important then. It was a shameful thing not to have children! And the firstborn child was the most important. The Bible says, over and over again, that it is God who opens the womb. Does that not fly in the face of today's cultural thinking? God makes babies, and they are His. We only get to raise them, love them, and guide them.

You will see that Rubin is the firstborn of Jacob, but he will disgrace his birthright with sexual immorality.

But as for sympathy for Esau, God did bless Esau and gave him many sons. I personally always liked Esau, and when Jacob comes back to meet Esau, 20 years later, Esau is very gracious to him.

In Romans 9:9-13, Paul discusses Jacob and Esau, in the context of "election," God chosing whom He wishes. Read it and be surprised.