Chariots speak of nobility and power. In the time of King David, and even earlier in the times of the Egyptians, the chariot was a fierce fighting machine. It carried the trained warrior and his weapons to destroy. It was a sign of authority, as when Joseph was carried in the chariot behind the Pharaoh to show the people that Joseph was the ruler in Egypt. The Egyptian army that followed the Israelites to destroy them had mighty chariots. And Elijah the Prophet never died but was carried away by God in a chariot of fire.
Horses also speak of power and war and judgment. In Revelation, when the first four seals are opened, riders on white, red, black and pale horses are revealed, and in Revelation 19 there is a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True whose robe was dipped in blood, and the armies of heaven followed Him riding on white horses. And there is a Scripture that talks about the very character of the horse being made ready for battle when he hears the trumpet blow. Chariots and horses are signs of power and majesty. Yet in Psalm 20:7 it says, “Some trust in horses and some in chariots, we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” We have to ask ourselves the question; do we trust in the things of this world, or in the name of the Lord our God?
Is there some symbology or relationship with the numbers frequently used in the Bible? I have seen many references about 6 days, resting on the seventh, 40 (Moses on the mountain and the Israelites lost in the wilderness), 70, and the number 3. Is this superstition?
Good question.
All numbers are the same. There are no special numbers; there are no special spiritual numbers. God, however, uses certain numbers to make symbolic statements. Let God do it, not man.
Consider some obvious numbers:
7 and 70 are numbers which symbolize completeness. God rested on the 7th day. The land needs a year of rest after every six years. We are told to forgive 70 x 7. A slave was to be freed in the 7th year. The Tribulation Period was during the 70th week for the Jews. Each week is a week of 7 years. The exile of the Israelites in Babylon was for 70 years, 606 BC - 536 BC.
3 is the number for the Trinity and symbolizes the Godhead. But 3 also symbolizes Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. A word used 3 times, like holy, holy, holy, emphasizes its importance.
12 is the number of the tribes of Israel, and also the number of Apostles. It is used in Solomon's temple for the 12 gates. And in Revelation 21, there are 12 foundations for the walls, 12 gates of pearl, and 12 types of jewels.
40 is symbolic of a number of things. The march in the desert for 40 years, but also the age of Moses when he fled from Pharaoh, and double that age when he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Add another 40, and they will enter the Promised Land through the Jordan River. Jesus received 40 lashes minus one, so as not to kill him with the beating.
10 is an accounting term, and 10% increments spelled out the Israelite method to collect taxes. 10& for the priests; 10% for the feasts and holidays; and 10% every three years for the poor and the Levites. 10% is not to be spiritualized as many Christian pastors do to support their churches.
6 is symbolic of man's number because of his humanity. 666 is man's number, expressed that way to emphasize his humanity and Satan's power over him. 666 was the number of talents of gold Solomon collected every year. Who cares? Don't spiritualize numbers.
22 is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphebet and Psalm 119 is written in such a way as to express the alphebet consecutively in each set of verses. Each set of 8 verses begins with the same letter of the Hebrew alphebet, and it goes on for 22 sets of verses.
Numbers are used symbolicly but should not be understood superstitiously. Again, there are no special numbers. Many have tried to make patterns out of God's numbers and come up with conclusions that are not biblical, and in my opinion, satanic. Why? Because we are told not to add or subtract from the Scriptures. Those who come up with numerical superstitious conclusions because of some number pattern are trying to add to God's word.
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