Spiritually speaking, “do things that improve your walk with God.” Reading the Bible daily is a level path that is good for the heart. Praying regularly is a level path.
Seeking to be humble is a level path that is good for the heart; all things can be dealt with when our hearts are quiet and our attitudes are right with God.
Even for the physical body, eating good food and not too much of it, doing moderate exercise daily and having proper rest are level paths which bring increased quality of living to the body that God gave us.
Dear Nate,
What is the difference between proud look and self-confidence?
Good question.
The difference between a proud look and self-confidence is great. These things have to do with the heart, and you know God knows the heart.
Jesus said, a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A proud look is bad fruit and comes from an evil heart. God desires that we be humble in heart, like He is.
Self-confidence usually comes out of a quiet confidence deep in the heart. It should be a humble expression that demonstrates one is prepared, experienced, and in my opinion, trusting God for strength, wisdom, and power to carry out a task.
And in another sense, our confidence needs to be in the Lord and not ourselves. Self-confidence can be bad fruit if it is coming out of a prideful heart. Paul said, there is nothing good in me, i.e., in my flesh, apart from God, Romans 7:18. I believe that what we call self-confidence should be confidence that God is working in us to produce good things, Philippians 2:13.
Proverbs 6:16-19 spells out seven things the Lord hates, and pride tops the list.
Dear Nate,
Is flirting being a seductress?
Flirting could be considered the actions of a seductress, but it depends upon what you call flirting.
Certainly inappropriate language or making sexual innuendos is improper. Certain types of clothing and body language, like provocative dancing, may also be improper.
But just talking innocently to the opposite sex, having fun and enjoying one another's company is not necessarily flirting at all.
God knows what is in the heart and each person must examine his heart to see if what he is thinking honors or dishonors God.
Scripture says we are to guard our hearts. Because we are sinners our hearts are often tempted to sin. We must recognize sin for what it is, and in the power of Christ, overcome it.
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