Friday, February 22, 2008

Seek the Will of God


Unknown said...

How does one discern God's voice? I pray for confirmation, but still wonder if it is God or me? Does it take "practice" and walking in faith?

Dr. Nate Wirt said...

Hi Maria,

It takes practice and patience. As you learn the Scriptures more and more, the Holy Spirit of God will bring Scriptures to mind which will help guide you. The most important part of God's voice is His word. He also speak to us by the church, i.e. through other Christians, by circumstances, and by impressions that come from deep within a person.

These four guides to hearing His voice: His word, other Christians, circumstances and deep personal impressions, must also be in harmony. This is where the confirmation comes from - harmony.

Walking in faith is very important, but remember, the faith must be in Christ and His word. Hebrews 12:1-2 says Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Faith comes from Him. If we feel weak in faith, which most people do, we are to ask Him to increase our faith.

I think many view faith as some kind of geni in a bottle that can be brought out when one needs something. In my opinion, this is an insult to God.