Friday, February 15, 2008

Temporary Cover

The burnt offerings, sin offerings, and the trespass offerings discussed in Leviticus 1-5 were temporary covers for the forgiveness of sin, but did not eliminate sin or later judgment. However, they pointed forward to the sacrifice of the Messiah, who would give eternal cover for the forgiveness of sin. The Jews were to look forward to the Seed of the woman who would come and destroy Satan, sin and death, Genesis 3. From Genesis 3, it was 4,000 years until the Seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, would come to deal with sin.

Leviticus was written 1,450 years before Christ was born and gives a temporary cover for sin. In Isaiah 53, written 700 years before Christ was born, it says that One would come and die to give an eternal cover for the sins of His people. The Jews today have not acknowledged that that One was Jesus Christ. But a day is coming when they will repent, believe and be redeemed.

The coming of the Messiah was prophesied to occur in two parts. The First Coming was as the Most High Priest, the sacrificial Lamb to die for the forgiveness of sin; this was an everlasting, eternal forgiveness for sin.

The Second Coming will be as the Lion of Judah, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. When He comes this second time, it also will be in two parts: The first part will be for the Rapture of the saints. Here, He will judge all who have believed in Him in terms of rewards for service to Him (Bema Seat Judgment). In the second part of the Second coming, it will be as the reining King, and all power and authority will be given to Him for judgment. And in 1,000 years, He will judge all who have not believed in the Son of God and pronounce eternal punishment on them (The White Throne Judgment).

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