Sunday, March 9, 2008

Numbers 15

What constitutes a defiant sinner?


stacie said...

Hi Nate - I received your email and it made me start to think. There are times that I do have questions/thoughts that I think about writing but then think otherwise. But, your email made me think that maybe others are thinking the same and for some reason they don't email you either. So anyway, this thought goes back to March 7th; the people complaining about not having meat to eat; only manna that our Lord God is providing for them. I think it's great that God is providing for them and that they should be greatful and I'm sure they are but at the same time they are complaining. I guess my question/thought is this; when they sacrificed the animals to God were they not able to eat the meat? Sometimes it reads as though they are able to eat it and other times I'm not sure. Like at Passover; they are able to eat the meat, right? Were they not allowed to eat any of the animals that they had other than for offering to God? Is it because they were so many people and they didn't have enough animals? Were there not wild animals that they could hunt?

Dr. Nate Wirt said...

You make a good point about sacrificed meat to eat, and it has caused me to think about it.

In the tithing system, the first tithe was for the priests, the second tithe was to be eaten by the people before the Lord, and the third tithe, collected once every three years, was for the poor and the levites. Therefore, the second tithe was to be eaten by the people. Your point is well made.

Now the Passover meal was only once per year so that it cannot be considered a steady diet of meat.

Actually, God had provided meat, quail, right at the beginning along with the manna, but the manna gets most of the credit for the provision. It was the "bread of angels."

So the problem was not really lack of meat. It was lack of gratitude for what God had provided in the first place, which has always been a problem for mankind.

Why were Adam and Eve not satisfied with what God had provided? Why wasn't it good enough?

Just look at advertising today. Advertisers are always trying to get people to be unsatisfied with what they have, and desirous of what they don't have, and all this so advertisers can sell their products. The drug companies would have you believe every ache, pain and discomfort requires a pill. People just naturally complain about what they don't have, rather than thanking God for what He has given them.

"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want..." But all we do is want because we are never satisfied. We are like the Israelites in the desert. But if we can just keep our focus on Jesus, we will be fine.